
Posted on 13 Feb 2022
Rachel Kolly is very excited to play the Brahms concerto, the Bruch concerto, and to add the sensual concerto of Swiss composer Hermann Suter to her repertoire. In addition to these superb works, she will be playing concerti by Bach, Mendelssohn and some rare pieces with orchestra such as arrangements by Fauré, Ysaÿe and Waxman.

Posted 15 OCT 2021
Rachel will perform the three Partitas by J.S. Bach for the 300 years of the masterpiece in Switzerland. She will play in 10 beautiful churches on a 1732 Stradivari violin.
19 NOV - NYON - 20:00 - Eglise de la Colombière
20 NOV - SIVIRIEZ (FR) - 19:30 Eglise
03 DEC - VICQUES - 19.30 - Eglise Notre Dame du Rosaire
10 DEC - FRIBOURG - 20:00 - Eglise Saint-Pierre
12 DEC - TOUR-DE-PEILZ (VD) 17:00 - Temple
17 DEC - GENEVE - 19.30 - Eglise Sainte-Clotilde
19 DEC - SION - 17.00 - Cathédrale
14 JAN - BASEL - 20:00- Eglise Sacré Coeur
30 JAN - NEUCHATEL - 15:00 - Basilique
07 MAR - ZURICH - 12:15 - Eglise St Pierre & Paul
/ book your dates through contact form or call +41 79 508 15 20

in prestigious newspaper "Record Geijutsu"
Posted on 15 Nov 2021
Rachel's latest album Bach has been voted by revered magazine Record Geijutsu "CD of the month". This newspaper is the most important classical music newspaper in Asia.

Great first review for Album Bach
Posted on 22 Nov 2020
Fortissimo for Musique Classique Mag by Clément Landru.
"the Swiss violinist offers us a version of extraordinary intensity and immense humility, constantly at the service of Bach's message. In the TOP 10 of the modern versions of this Bible. Each phrasing seems to have been the subject of a thesis, the bow strokes are of a truly unheard of variety, each note - the changes in colour had to be weighed / weighed up! As for the dynamics, they are under constant control - all in the service of one of the greatest musicalities, of extraordinary expressiveness in this Himalaya for violinists that these three Partitas represent.
It's a firework, a rainbow, a kaleidoscope, a polyphonic fabric unfolding before us, that Rachel Kolly makes us see - and listen to - via her violin !"
Posted on 1 Nov 2020
Rachel will perform the three Partitas by J.S. Bach, celebrating 300 years of these masterpieces. She will play in 10 beautiful churches on a 1732 Stradivarius violin.
20.11 - LAUSANNE (postponed due to Covid)
21.11 - SIVIRIEZ (FR) (postponed due to Covid)
03.12 - GENEVE (postponed due to Covid)
04.12 - VICQUES (JU) (postponed due to Covid)
11.12 - FRIBOURG (postponed due to Covid)
13.12 - NEUCHÂTEL (postponed due to Covid)
18.12 - BÂLE (postponed due to Covid)
03.01 - SION (postponed due to Covid)
08.01 - NYON : reservations open
09.01 - BEX (VD) : reservations open
/ book your dates here

(© 2017 on Indésens)
Posted on 5 Oct 2020
After three years of research, Rachel's album presenting the three Partitas by J.S. Bach (1720) will be released on 20 November 2020.
Recorded in Frankfurt for Indésens, on a 1732 Stradivari violin.
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(© 2011 on Warner Classics)